Climate compensation and environmental commitment
Climate compensation is important to us at Scuba Travel. Unfortunately, the Earth's average temperature is rising, which is a direct effect of human activity here. We see effects from, among other things, increased carbon dioxide emissions. Also from the devastation of large forest areas that previously absorbed large amounts of carbon dioxide. Aviation today accounts for 3% of man's total CO2 emissions and in Sweden aviation accounts for 4-5% of CO2 emissions, (Source The proportion is predicted to increase sharply over the next 15 years. Measured per passenger kilometer, flying emits more CO2 than any other means of transport. (Assuming an individual traveler is considered). What can we do to help slow global warming and minimize CO2 emissions from aviation?
Fortunately, much can be done to offset these emissions. For several years, continuous improvements have been made to reduce emissions from air traffic. Internally at Scuba Travel, all activities that employees do in the company in the form of business trips, consumption of materials, electricity and heating in the office are fully environmentally compensated from 2017. Climate compensation and environmental commitment is made in collaboration with South Pole. The project we support is the Paradigm project in Kenya and REDD+ Forest Protection in Zimbabwe. Read more…