Phone: +46 301 221 00
Emergency telephone number 24h (emergency only): +46 709 15 39 73
Are you looking for a specific person at Scuba Travel: Click here for contact details
Opening hours: Mon – Fri 08:00 – 17:00
Phone hours: Mon – Fri 10:00 – 17:00
Holidays: The office is closed on weekends and all red holidays as well as Easter Eve, Midsummer Eve, Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve.
Facebook: Scuba Travel
Linkedin: Scuba Travel Scandinavia
Scuba Travel Scandinavia AB
Factory street 13
412 50 Gothenburg
Org no: 556660-9862
Registered office: Gothenburg
Owner: Intoit Travel Group
Do you want travel tips?
Would you like an exact travel proposal on one of our special offers? Want to know more about a group trip? Don't know where you want to go, what you can see or how much you want to spend? Don't worry, we're here to help. Our office is full of active divers who love to travel. We will be happy to help you with advice for your next diving/snorkeling trip. Contact us directly or make a request via our form!
T + 46 301 22 100