Magnus Lundgren – uv photographer
Magnus has 30 years of experience in leading expeditions all over the world and as a trainer in photography & UV photography. "It has always been my goal to help expedition participants at their own level of ambition, so that advice and tips can produce results there and then."

Anders Salesjö – marine biologist
Already during my formative years I was very interested in animal and plant life in water. At the age of six, I got my first aquarium, which grew more and more over the years. Sport fishing was another way to get in touch with life down there below the surface. At the age of twelve, I joined Skövde Sportdykarklubb to see how the animals lived in their natural environment.

Bent Christensen – uv photographer
Bent is an experienced diver and traveler with a lifelong and very great interest in animals, plants and ecosystems. Very interested in biology, and combines the interest with being a lecturer in ecology at Umeå University.

Annelie Pompe – freediver
I love the sea and that is one of the reasons why I dive. My love has shaped me into one of the best freedivers in the world. I share that love of the sea by teaching others about the feeling of freedom that freediving brings - The freedom to be one with the sea without all the bulky equipment.

Patrik Jonson – UV photographer
My great passion in life is animals of all kinds and especially wildlife in the water. Since I learned to snorkel before I could swim and have been swimming all through school, the water feels like my second home. The diving career started in the Maldives -89 on a small island called Ranali.

Hans Örnhagen – diving doctor
It must be said from the beginning, I am not a great sports diver with thousands of dives, despite a CMAS certificate that is now 40 years old. On the other hand, I have devoted my entire adult life to diving medicine, diving medical research and education on the subject.

Alex Dawson – Underwater photographer
Alex Dawson started diving in the early 90s and has basically been photographing since his first dive. Already in 1995, he took his DiveMaster and then worked at diving centers both in Sweden, Spain and on a Liveaboard in the Red Sea S/Y Amorina. Techdiving started very late with but today is Full Cave DPV eCCR diver and MOD 3 and Alex makes many deep and long cold water dives with pleasure

Jennie Soriano – uv photographer
I was completely captivated by the underwater world, its inhabitants and mystery when I started diving in the dark Baltic Sea 16 years ago, and that feeling continues to this day. I dive as often as I can to discover and learn more.

Per Lagerberg – Diving and travel enthusiast
Per is an experienced diver and traveler with a great interest in travel and diving. Very interested in geography and biology. Currently living in Batangas in the Philippines.

Dive center
Some of our group trips are booked through a diving center. The diving center sends a person in charge from its staff, and books most of the places. If the trip is posted here on our website, you can book the trip and go with the dive center gang. These trips are usually very fun with great fellowship.

Travel without a group leader
Some of our group trips take place without an accompanying group leader/ambassador from Scandinavia. However, on each diving trip there is always access to local guides on site.